Protein adsorption and functional hybrid carriers

Jachimska Lab group is currently involved in areas:

  • Combined experimental and simulation study to probe the orientation, conformation and organization of proteins at interfaces.
  • Development of an analytical method to understanding molecular aspects of the protein misfolding process
  • Dendrimers as a platform for designing biologically active carriers
  • Functional Hybrid Carriers Based on Protein


Latest publications

Specific buffer effects on the formation of BSA protein corona around amino-functionalized mesoporous silica nanoparticles

Mura M., Carucci C., Caddeo E., Sovova S., Piludu M., Pekar M., Jachimska B., Parsons D.F., Salis A.

Name of Journal
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science
Dendrimer Platforms for Targeted Doxorubicin Delivery—Physicochemical Properties in Context of Biological Responses

Szota M., Szwedowicz U., Rembialkowska N., Janicka-Klos A., Doveiko D., Chen Y., Kulbacka J., Jachimska B.

Name of Journal
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Online date
29 June 2024

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