Protein adsorption and functional hybrid carriers

Award for the best presentation during 3rd Scientific Meetings

On March 1st-2nd, 2019, a conference 3rd Scientific Meetings in Wrocław took place, on which the results of our research Changes In lysozyme’s II-structure as a result of its interaction with a gold surface – preferred conditions for lysozyme’s aggregates formation in neurodegenerative disease development were presented by PhD student Paulina Komorek, who was awarded the second place prize for the best oral presentation. The research was carried out in cooperation with Carl von Ossietzky University in Oldenburg

Conference Awards

The best oral presentations

  • I place: Marta Banaszkiewicz “An association between MMP-2, MMP-9, TIMP-4 and stable coronary artery disease, hypertension and diabetes”
  • II place: Paulina Komorek “Changes In Lysozyme’s II-Structure As A Result Of Its Interaction With A Gold Surface – Preferred Conditions for Lysozyme’s Aggregates Formation in Neurodegenerative Disease Development”
  • III place: Magdalena Surman “Comparison of surface glycosylation of melanoma cells and melanoma-derived ectosomes”

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