Protein adsorption and functional hybrid carriers



Leader of the Research project:  Prof. Barbara Jachimska

Source of financing: National Science Center, NCN OPUS 2021/41/B/ST5/02233 (2022-2026)

Duration: 48 months

“Structure and Function of Protein Corona at the Nanoparticles Interface”


Leader of the Research project:  Prof. Barbara Jachimska

Source of financing: Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange PPN/BIT/2021/1/00089/U/00001 (2022-2024)

Duration: 24 months

NCN Preludium 19

Leader of the Research project: MSc Paulina Komorek

Source of financing: National Science Center, NCN Preludium 2020/37/N/ST4/02132 (2021-2023)

Duration: 24 months

“The analysis of the influence of selected factors on changes in α-synuclein structure”


Leader of the Research project: Assoc. Prof. Barbara Jachimska

Source of financing: National Science Center, NCN OPUS 2016/B/ST5/02788 (2017-2020)

Duration: 36 months

“Dendrimers as a platform for designing biologically active carrier.”

NCN Preludium 12

Leader of the Research project: PhD Karolina Tokarczyk

Source of financing: National Science Center, NCN PRELUDIUM 2016/23/N/ST4/02532


Duration: 36 months

“Functional hybrid nanomaterials based on poly(amidoamine) PAMAM dendrimers.”


Leader of the Research project: Assoc. Prof Barbara Jachimska

Source of financing: Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange PPN/BIL


Duration: 24 months

“Understanding molecular aspects of the protein misfolding process: in situ spectroscopic and microscopic studies”


Leader of the Research project: Assoc. Prof. Barbara Jachimska

Source of financing: National Science Center, NCN OPUS 4, ST-5, 2012/07/B/ST5/00767


Duration: 36 months

“Structure and properties of protein layers: from biomolecules to a functional layer (a combined experimental and simulation study)”


Leader of the Research project: Assoc. Prof. Barbara Jachimska

Source of financing: Marian Smoluchowski Kraków Scientific Consortium “Matter – Energy –

Future” KNOW (2015-2016)

Duration: 12 months

“Development of the methodology of studies interaction proteins modified by biologically active compounds with their receptors.”


Leader of the Research project: Assoc. Prof. Barbara Jachimska

Source of financing: MP-SPR Bionavis (2012-2013)

Duration: 12 months

“The reversible swelling process of poly(amidoamine)-PAMAM dendrimers examined by the surface plasmon resonance (SPR) and quartz crystal microbalance (QCM) techniques.”


Leader of the Research project: Assoc. Prof. Barbara Jachimska

Source of financing: N204 028536 (2009-2012)

Duration: 36 months

“Formation of biologically active multilayer films of polyelectrolytes, proteins, and dendrimers.”


Leader of the Research project: Assoc. Prof. Barbara Jachimska

Source of financing: T08D04529 (2005-2007)

Duration: 36 months

“Determination of physicochemical mechanism formation of multilayer nanomaterials with higher biocompatibility.”

Participant in Research project Polish Ministry of Education and Science:

1. NCN PRELUDIUM 2016/23/N/ST4/02532 (2017-2019) “Functional hybrid nanomaterials based on poly(amidoamine) PAMAM dendrimers.”

2. N204 290 134 (2008-2011) “Determination of the stabilization mechanisms of mineral suspensions as the core of nano-and microcapsules for selective delivery of reactants”.

3. N 204 131 32/3320 (2007-2009) “Silicon structures – synthesis and properties”.

4. N204 12232/3142 (2007-2009) “Application of macrocyclic metallocomplexes of the transition metals in self-assembling systems as the catalysts of the hydrocarbons oxidation.”

5. N507 04831/1208 (2007-2009) “New generation liquid ceramic slurries for investment casting of reactive alloys with multifunctional biocompatibility binder.”

6. TO9A12330 (2006-2009) “The Mechanism of Formation of Polyelectrolyte Multilayer Films with Controlled Microarchitecture on Metallic Surfaces

7. N20416631/3734 (2006-2009) “Structure, Interfacial Properties and Permeability of Multilayer Polyelectrolyte Films for Surface Modification and Encapsulation of Chemicals.”

8. N20502231/1112 (2006-2008) “Novel method of formation carrier nano- and microcapsules with definite functionality for selective delivery of substances.”

9. T09B 08329 (2005-2007) “Synthesis and physicochemical properties of hyper branch polymer.”

10. T08B 034 25 (2003-2005) “The new generation of liquid ceramic for precision casting reactive alloys.”

Participant in Research project European Community EC

1. EC 5th FP GRDI-2000-26823 “Surface Improvement on Metals Implants (SIMI)” (2001-2004)

2. EC Grant ERBIC 15CT980121

3. Polish/Flemish Grant BIL0015 “Improvement of the corrosion resistance of thin metallic coatings by the adsorption/incorporation of colloid particles during electrodeposition.”

4. EU 6th Framework Programme Projects, EC “NANOCAPS” NMP4-CT 2003-001428 (2004-2007) “Nanocapsules for Target Controlled Delivery of Chemicals.”

5. IDECAT “Integrated Design of Catalytic Nanomaterials for a Sustainable Production” NMP3-CT-2005-011730

6. COST Action D43 (2006-2011) “Colloid and Interface Chemistry for Nanotechnology”

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