Barbara Jachimska is an Associate Professor at the Jerzy Haber Institute of Catalysis and Surface Chemistry Polish Academy of Sciences. She has M.Sc. in Material Engineering and Ceramic and M.Sc. in Environmental Protection from AGH University of Science and Technology. She holds a Ph.D. with honors in chemistry and Doctor of Sciences (Habilitation) both received from Jerzy Haber Institute of Catalysis and Surface Chemistry Polish Academy of Sciences. Barbara Jachimska works in the area of polymers, proteins, and the assembly behavior of nano-colloidal systems. Develops and applies various analytical techniques to study interfacial phenomena. She had many internships abroad, among others in Max Planck Institute for Colloids and Interfaces Berlin Germany, University of Strathclyde Glasgow UK, Institute of Physical Chemistry BAS Sofia Bulgaria, University Louise Pasteur Strasbourg France, University of Cambridge Enterprise UK, Oxentia University of Oxford UK, NCNST CAS Beijing China.
Since 2018
Professor at Jerzy Haber Institute of Catalysis and Surface Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences, Cracow, Poland
2012 -2018
Associate Professor, Jerzy Haber Institute of Catalysis and Surface Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences, Cracow, Poland
2002- 2012
Assistant Professor, Jerzy Haber Institute of Catalysis and Surface Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences, Cracow, Poland
Post-Doctoral Associate at University Louise Pasteur, Strasbourg, France
1995 – 2001
Senior Assistant, Jerzy Haber Institute of Catalysis and Surface Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences, Cracow, Poland
1991 – 1995
Assistant, Jerzy Haber Institute of Catalysis and Surface Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences, Cracow, Poland
2012 D.Sc.
Polyelectrolytes and protein conformation in solution and the topology of the layers formed on the model surfaces”, Jerzy Haber Institute of Catalysis and Surface Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences, Cracow, Poland
2001 Ph.D.
“Influence of dynamic effect on the stability of single bubble and foam” Jerzy Haber Institute of Catalysis and Surface Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences, Cracow, Poland
1990 M.Sc.
Eng. Mineral Processing and Environmental Protection (Column flotation of sulfur ore) AGH University of Science and Technology, Cracow, Poland
1987 M.Sc.
Engineering Chemistry (Ceramics binders for BN) AGH University of Science and Technology, Cracow, Poland
1. Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange ( NAWA) PPN/BIL/2018/1/00103, “Understanding molecular aspects of the protein misfolding process: in situ spectroscopic and microscopic studies” ( 2019-2020)
2. NCN OPUS 2016/B/ST5/02788 (2017-2020) “Dendrimers as a platform for designing biologically active carrier.”
3. NCN OPUS 4, ST-5, 2012/07/B/ST5/00767 (2013-2016) “Structure and properties of protein layers: from biomolecules to a functional layer (a combined experimental and simulation study)”
4. Marian Smoluchowski Kraków Scientific Consortium “Matter – Energy – Future” KNOW (2015-2016) “Development of the methodology of studies interaction proteins modified by biologically active compounds with their receptors.”
5. MP-SPR Bionavis (2012-2013) “The reversible swelling process of poly(amidoamine)-PAMAM dendrimers examined by the surface plasmon resonance (SPR) and quartz crystal microbalance (QCM) techniques.”
6. N204 028536 (2009-2012) “Formation of biologically active multilayer films of polyelectrolytes, proteins, and dendrimers.”
7. T08D04529 (2005-2007) “Determination of physicochemical mechanism formation of multilayer nanomaterials with higher biocompatibility.”
1. NCN PRELUDIUM 2016/23/N/ST4/02532 (2017-2019) “Functional hybrid nanomaterials based on poly(amidoamine) PAMAM dendrimers.”
2. N204 290 134 (2008-2011) “Determination of the stabilization mechanisms of mineral suspensions as the core of nano-and microcapsules for selective delivery of reactants”.
3. N 204 131 32/3320 (2007-2009) “Silicon structures – synthesis and properties”.
4. N204 12232/3142 (2007-2009) “Application of macrocyclic metallocomplexes of the transition metals in self-assembling systems as the catalysts of the hydrocarbons oxidation.”
5. N507 04831/1208 (2007-2009) “New generation liquid ceramic slurries for investment casting of reactive alloys with multifunctional biocompatibility binder.”
6. TO9A12330 (2006-2009) “The Mechanism of Formation of Polyelectrolyte Multilayer Films with Controlled Microarchitecture on Metallic Surfaces
7. N20416631/3734 (2006-2009) “Structure, Interfacial Properties and Permeability of Multilayer Polyelectrolyte Films for Surface Modification and Encapsulation of Chemicals.”
8. N20502231/1112 (2006-2008) “Novel method of formation carrier nano- and microcapsules with definite functionality for selective delivery of substances.”
9. T09B 08329 (2005-2007) “Synthesis and physicochemical properties of hyper branch polymer.”
10. T08B 034 25 (2003-2005) “The new generation of liquid ceramic for precision casting reactive alloys.”
1. EC 5th FP GRDI-2000-26823 “Surface Improvement on Metals Implants (SIMI)” (2001-2004)
2. EC Grant ERBIC 15CT980121
3. Polish/Flemish Grant BIL0015 “Improvement of the corrosion resistance of thin metallic coatings by the adsorption/incorporation of colloid particles during electrodeposition.”
4. EU 6th Framework Programme Projects, EC “NANOCAPS” NMP4-CT 2003-001428 (2004-2007) “Nanocapsules for Target Controlled Delivery of Chemicals.”
5. IDECAT “Integrated Design of Catalytic Nanomaterials for a Sustainable Production” NMP3-CT-2005-011730
6. COST Action D43 (2006-2011) “Colloid and Interface Chemistry for Nanotechnology”
P.422641 Gravity capillary viscometer 25.08.2017
University of Strathclyde, Scotland, Erasmus +, Key Action 1 – Mobility for learners and staff – Higher Education Student and Staff Mobility
University of Limerick, Ireland, Erasmus +, Key Action 1 – Mobility for learners and staff – Higher Education Student and Staff Mobility
University of Strathclyde, Scotland, Erasmus +, Key Action 1 – Mobility for learners and staff – Higher Education Student and Staff Mobility
University of Limerick, Ireland, Erasmus +, Key Action 1 – Mobility for learners and staff – Higher Education Student and Staff Mobility
National Center for Nanoscience and Technology (NCNST), Beijing China, Bilateral cooperation between the Polish Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Sciences
University of Strathclyde, Scotland, Bilateral cooperation
University of Cambridge” TOP 500 Innovators-Science-Management Commercialisation”, UK
University of Oxford “TOP 500 Innovators-Science-Management Commercialisation”, UK
University of Strathclyde, Scotland, Erasmus+, Key Action 1 – Mobility for learners and staff – Higher Education Student and Staff Mobility, Glasgow, UK
“SPiN – Effective Entrepreneur and Researcher” implemented by the European Social Fund under the Programme Human Capital Operational Priority VIII: Regional human resources, Action 8.2: Transfer of knowledge 8.2.1: Support for co-operation between science and business, (3 months)
Post-Doctoral Associate at University Louise Pasteur in frame research of project EC 5th FP GRDI-2000-26823„ SIMI” (2001-2004) “Surface Improvement on Metals Implants“, Strasbourg, France
Institute of Physical Chemistry Bulgarian Academy of Sciences in Sofia, Bulgaria in frame of Polish- Bulgarian Joint Research Project “Polymer Foams.”
University of Paisley, Scotland, Tempus Project “ Environmental protection through analytical science”
University of Dortmund and Max Planck Institute of Material Science, Germany, Tempus Project “ Environmental protection through analytical science.”
Max Planck Institute for Colloids and Interfaces in Berlin, Germany in frame Polish-Germen Joint Research Project “Adsorption at interface and stability of the dispersed system.”
The National Centre for Research and Development (NCBiR) Scientific-
Technological and Economic-Business.
„Mentoring” Collegium Vratislaviense
Expert in the Regional Operational Programme of the Malopolska Region for 2014-2020 ( Regional intelligence Specialization (RIS) Life Sciences, Chemistry)
Expert in the Regional Operational Programme of the Malopolska Region for 2014-2020
1.Infrastructure Research and Development
Regional specialization: Life Sciences, Chemistry
2. Technology transfer, consulting and business
3.Implementation of the results of R & D and investments of highly innovative potential
Regional specialization: Life Sciences, Chemistry
i-Teams Programme, University of Cambridge, UK
TOP 500 Innovators-Science-Management Commercialisation Innovation
Programme Cambridge University, UK
TOP 500 Innovators-Science-Management Commercialisation Isis Innovation
Programme, Oxford University, UK
„Commercialization of research results,” Project Skills Foundation for Polish Science
„Project management in research” by Vitae, Project Skills Foundation for Polish Science
„Managing of the scientific team” by HFP Consulting, Project Skills Foundation for Polish Science
„Public engagement” by Vitae, Project Skills Foundation for Polish Science
„Presentation of research results (Social Media & Web 2.0 Communication)” by
Econnect Communication, Project Skills Foundation for Polish Science
“Writing scientific texts” by Jeana-Luca Lebruna, Project Skills Foundation for Polish Science
“Mentoring” by Collegium Vratislaviense, Project Skills Foundation for Polish
“Self-presentation and public presentation” Project Skills Foundation for Polish
„Negotiations” Project Skills Foundation for Polish Science
„Entrepreneurship Training” by Fuentek, Project Skills Foundation for Polish Science
“SPiN – Effective Entrepreneur and Researcher” implemented by the European Social Fund under the Programme Human Capital Operational Priority VIII: Regional human
resources, Action 8.2: Transfer of knowledge 8.2.1: Support for co-operation between
science and business.
Medal R.P. Silver
Award by the Commission for the Evaluation, Promotions, Awards and Distinctions Scientific Council of the J. Haber Institute of Catalysis and Surface Chemistry PAS for distinguished achievements in 2013
Award of the Jerzy Haber Institute of Catalysis and Surface Chemistry Polish Academy of Sciences for the best Assistant Professor in 2011
Grant of Bioelectrochemical Society to organizing Symposium BES 2011in Poland, Cracow
Award of Jerzy Haber Institute of Catalysis and Surface Chemistry Polish Academy of Sciences for distinguished Ph.D. Thesis
since 2019
Expert H2020-FETOPEN-Open Challenging Current Thinking Research and
Innovation Actions (RIA)
since 2018
since 2015
Expert in the Regional Operational Programme of the Malopolska Region
(MCP) for 2014-2020 (Regional intelligence Specialization (RIS) Life Sciences, Chemistry
1. Infrastructure Research and Development,
2. Technology transfer, consulting and business,
3. Implementation of the results of R & D and investments of highly innovative
2018 International QCM-D Workshop “Quartz Crystal Microbalance with Dissipation Monitoring (QCM-D) – a real-time, nanoscale technique for analyzing surface phenomena including thin film formation, interactions and reactions” 11.05. 2018 IKiFP PAN Kraków, Poland
2018 6th Annual Conference of AnalytiX 2018, Session 307: Advances in Applied Spectroscopy, Miami USA, 2018
2016 Workshop -Technology Transfer “ Innovate, evaluate, communicate,” 17.11.2016, Cracow
2016 Polish-American Innovation Bridge (PAMI): lessons to learn, ideas to expand, 18-19.11.2016 in the frame of Global Entrepreneurship Week of the Malopolska Region
2016 International QCM-D Workshop “Functional Coatings using QCM-D System: Theory and Practice” 30th June 2016 Kraków, Poland
2015 Polish-American Innovation Bridge (PAMI): how to begin, 20-21.11.2015 in the frame of Global Entrepreneurship Week of the Malopolska Region
2013 Workshop – International SPR Workshop “New Dimensions in Life Sciences”, 12 April 2013, Cracow, Poland
2011 XXI International Symposium on Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics BES’2011, Bioelectrochemical Society, 8-12 May 2011, Cracow, Poland
2011 Workshop International Spring School BES “Novel Techniques for Nanobiological Sciences” Cracow 07- 12.05 2011
2008 22nd Conference of European Society of Colloids and Interfaces Society (ECIS), 31 August -5 September 2008, Kraków
2007 Workshop COST D43 “Functional Interface – Theory and Experiment” & Suruz Workshop Surfactants and Dispersed Systems, 19-21 March 2007, Cracow
2007 Workshop “New Colloidal Systems for Nano and Biotechnology”,15-16 November 2007, Cracow
2004 Workshop “Dynamic Light Scattering and Zeta Potential”, 24-25 May 2004, Cracow,
ISE International Electrochemical Society since 2018
The Association of TOP 500 Innovators since 2015,
Member of Bioelectrochemical Society (BES) since 2005
ACS American Chemical Society since 2005
ECIS European Society of Colloids and Interfaces Society since 2005
Life Science Cluster “Life Science” Kraków,
IDECAT “Integrated Design of Catalytic Nanomaterials for a Sustainable
Production” NMP3-CT-2005-011730
COST D43 “Functional Interface – Theory and Experiment “
SURUZ Network “Surfactants and Dispersed Systems”